Business Video Roundup: The Problem with Young Entrepreneurs & More

Image: drazenphoto / Envato Elements
In this week’s roundup of great videos for entrepreneurs and business owners, Gary Vaynerchuk discusses the reason most people fail in business (it’s not what you think), Steve Forbes discloses his predictions for the Federal Reserve’s meeting next week and how it will affect the economy, and the latest episode of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch features Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph making a surprise move…
Business Video Roundup: Marketing in 2024, Silencing Your Inner Critic & Maintaining Success

Image: YuriArcursPeopleimages / Envato Elements
“You have to build something that’s sustainable long-term,” Daring CEO Ross Mackay said at the recent Forbes 30 Under 30 conference in Cleveland, Ohio. In this week’s business video roundup, he talks about finding success early on and the tactics he has used to maintain that success. No matter how good it gets, it’s always at risk of going away. Also on deck:…
Business Video Roundup: Grow Your Sales, Cultivate a Profitable Business & More

Image: dekddui1405 / Envato Elements
In this week’s roundup of great videos for entrepreneurs and business owners, Gary Vaynerchuk reveals the key to growing your sales when you don’t have a big marketing budget (or any budget!), Evan Carmichael highlights seven sales techniques to increase your conversions, and Whole Foods CEO Jason Buechel talks about the challenges of following in the footsteps of a visionary leader. Plus, restaurant…
Business Video Roundup: Morality + Leadership, Building a Brand & More

Image: BGStock72 / Envato Elements“Business is community, and how we relate to whatever comes our way and how thoughtful and principled we are,” says Dov Seidman, founder of The HOW Institute for Society. In this week’s business video roundup, he discusses what it means to be a moral leader, exploring various facets of the topic, and even dives into why humanity in leadership will become more sought after…
Business Video Roundup: How to Be More Decisive, Cultivate Happiness & More

Image: FoToArtist_1 / Envato Elements
In this week’s business video roundup, Gary Vaynerchuk reveals why you’re indecisive (and how to stop that indecisiveness!), Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey engage in a lively, enlightening conversation about the art and science of getting happier, and Fast Company’s Brand Hit or Miss of the Week hammers home why you should never use 9/11 as part of a brand promotion. Plus,…
Business Video Roundup: Time Management, Marketing Tips & the Advantages of Being #2

Image: peus80 / Envato Elements
Ever feel like there’s not enough time to accomplish everything on your agenda? Join the club! But also check out Marie Forleo’s time-management strategy below that just might help you meet all your goals and then some. Also on deck: Gary Vaynerchuk dispenses lots of great advice on brand-building and marketing, Dollar Beard Club founder Chris Stoikos discusses his adventures in business, and…
Business Video Roundup: Redefining Success, New Uses for AI & the Future of Remote Work

Image: RossHelen / Envato Elements
In this week’s roundup of great videos for entrepreneurs and business owners, Gary Vaynerchuk and Daymond John talk about the importance of redefining success (for yourself and your business), Harvard Business Review’s Adi Ignatius leads a fascinating discussion on how to lead and reskill in the age of AI, and Forbes looks into the future of working from home—and what both business owners and…
Business Video Roundup: Crawfish Industry, Raising Prices & the Hidden Cost of Success

Image: ilonadesperada / Envato Elements
In this week’s business video roundup, Gary Vaynerchuk explains how to raise prices and scale your business, former Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris reveals how success can inhibit innovation and growth, and Insider Business dives into the crawfish industry. Plus, Fast Company’s Brand Hit or Miss of the Week takes aim at Mustard Skittles, while Bar Rescue’s Jon Taffer talks about succeeding in…
Business Video Roundup: Fail the Right Way, Stop Overthinking & Be More Decisive

Image: wichayada69 / Envato Elements
What if you could relax that part of your brain that always thinks you’re missing something? In this week’s roundup of great videos for entrepreneurs and business owners, Marie Forleo has a few tips for just that, aiming to help you avoid overthinking and be more decisive. Also on deck: Gary Vaynerchuk’s rapid-fire social-media marketing advice, Brendon Burchard’s number-one success habit that you…