Weekly Roundup: 6 Must-See YouTube Videos for Entrepreneurs (July 24, 2015)
Are you an introverted entrepreneur with a fear of public speaking? Well, then, this week’s video roundup is just for you. Brian Tracy discusses how to overcome fear of public speaking, while Jill Schiefelbein offers some helpful public-speaking tips in three one-minute, no-BS primers, and Evan Carmichael talks about why you don’t have to be extroverted to succeed in business. Plus, Marie Forleo offers five reasons people don’t take you seriously—and how to fix that problem.
How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
“According to the Guinness Book of Records, did you know that 54% of adults rate the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death?” Brian Tracy says at the beginning of this 3-minute primer on overcoming public-speaking jitters. While he doesn’t go in depth on the topic, he offers simple, no-nonsense advice that works.
Do This! The 3 C’s of Professional Public Speaking
On the topic of public speaking, this 1-minute video from Entrepreneur features public-speaking expert Jill Schiefelbein giving a brief overview of “the 3 C’s of public speaking.”
The Most Powerful Eye Contact Trick: The Triangle Method
Another of Jill Schiefelbein’s 1-minute public-speaking primers.
The Number One Trick for Conquering Stage Fright
The last of Jill Schiefelbein’s 1-minute public-speaking videos.
You Don’t Need to be Extroverted to Have Success in Business
Some people say that you have to be extroverted to succeed in business. That’s simply not true, of course. Tons of successful entrepreneurs are introverts who aren’t necessarily skilled at things like schmoozing and networking. Evan Carmichael is one of those successful introverts, and in this 4-minute video he shares his thoughts on why you don’t have to be extroverted to succeed.
5 Reasons People Don’t Take You Seriously
“No matter how brilliant your ideas are, there’s always gonna be some people who just have no interest in hearing about them,” Marie Forleo says. But there are a few things you can do to ensure your message is clear and taken seriously by those who are open to receiving it, like not using too many fancy words. Forleo offers some actionable tips to get your message across simply and clearly, which should go a long way towards people taking you seriously.
Business Video Roundup: The Problem with Young Entrepreneurs & More

Image: drazenphoto / Envato Elements
In this week’s roundup of great videos for entrepreneurs and business owners, Gary Vaynerchuk discusses the reason most people fail in business (it’s not what you think), Steve Forbes discloses his predictions for the Federal Reserve’s meeting next week and how it will affect the economy, and the latest episode of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch features Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph making a surprise move…
Business Video Roundup: Marketing in 2024, Silencing Your Inner Critic & Maintaining Success

Image: YuriArcursPeopleimages / Envato Elements
“You have to build something that’s sustainable long-term,” Daring CEO Ross Mackay said at the recent Forbes 30 Under 30 conference in Cleveland, Ohio. In this week’s business video roundup, he talks about finding success early on and the tactics he has used to maintain that success. No matter how good it gets, it’s always at risk of going away. Also on deck:…
Achieve Work-Life Balance: 10 Tips for Finding Personal/Professional Equilibrium

Image: halfpoint / Envato Elements
In today’s fast-paced, always-on business culture, finding a balance between professional pursuits and other aspects of our lives can be daunting challenge. The constant demands of running a business often lead to long work hours, high stress levels, and neglect of personal life. That said, achieving some kind of work-life balance is important for long-term success and mental and emotional well-being. The optimal…