Pop Quiz: Are You a Micromanager?
Quick, answer without thinking too much about it. Are you a micromanager? You probably said no. But if you take the quiz below, the results may surprise you. According to My Way or the Highway: The Micromanagement Survival Guide by Harry Chambers, micromanagers are usually motivated by good intentions (avoiding potential employee confusion and helping to ensure success), but the negative consequences of micromanagement include decreased employee innovation and productivity as well as higher rates of turnover. That’s pretty far from what the typical micromanager hopes to achieve.
So, again, are you a micromanager?
Regardless of the answer you gave above, take the quiz below (created by the folks behind project-management software Wrike) and calculate your points to determine if you’re a micromanager, a team player, or a pushover being micromanaged yourself!
You might be surprised.
(You can also take the interactive version of this micromanagement quiz here.)
Brought to you by Wrike Project Management Software
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